My name is Rev. Dr. David Weekley and my call to ministry came at a young age. I tried to deny my call to ministry, but I found no peace so I answered God’s call. After graduation with my D. Min from Boston University I tried to locate another vocation, but ministry is my passion and calling. I simply cannot walk away.
This is my 37th year of local church ministry. I also served many leadership roles in Oregon-Idaho before coming out. I have written several books including In from the Wilderness: Sherman:She-r-man which is the story of my life as a transgender man, a Christian, a loving husband and father, an ordained elder in the UMC since 1984, and a human being.
Today, I serve as part-time as Pastor of St. Nicholas United Methodist Church in Hull, MA. We have lost nearly everything since coming out but we would not change this decision.
Harm has been done to LGBTQ people and allies for decades. Please help #ResistHarm moving forward. So many of us have been so hurt. People of God, we need you!