My name is Lisa Schubert Nowling (she/her), and I’m a clergyperson joyfully serving First United Methodist Church in Bloomington, IN. I feel called to #ResistHarm of the Traditional Plan because of my baptismal vows to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves, in this case to my UM siblings who are LGBTQIA+.
As a white, cisgender, heterosexual American, I recognize my place of privilege, and I’m being sanctified as an ally to those who are on the margins of our church and communities. I was a delegate to the painful session of General Conference 2019, and I will be a delegate again in 2020. I feel called to create a more welcoming, affirming and inclusive church for my 4-year-old daughter to inherit. To do so, we must repent of our discriminatory past with regards to race, gender, ethnicity, ability, education, socioeconomic level, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We must shape a liberated church where those on the margins have a primary voice.
I hope you’ll join me in resisting the Tradition Plan and being open to the Spirit’s lead on fresh, inclusive forms of Methodism.
On this Resist Harm website you will find an already expansive and growing number of tools and resources for resistance. Also, please go to ResistHarm on Facebook and follow us and share our Facebook page with your friends, church, and groups.