Suggest that everyone who has been oppressed by the church in any way, not attend church on one Sunday. Send messages explaining the absences to be posted or shared from the pulpit.
Walk out of church on the first Sunday in January and gather in a public place for worship, as a public witness of resistance to the Traditional Plan.
Bar the doors of the church (at least symbolically) and have a day of mourning.
Stage a mass walkout of General Conference.
Walk out of Clergy session in 2020.
Plan a Board of Ordained Ministry walk out (depending on your context).
Support mass actions of LGBTQ persons – joining the church the same day, walking out of the service together (and explain the reason in a way that invites allies).
Observe a Service of Silence in recognition of those who are not included.
Staff walkout on a Sunday morning (without compromising worship).
Resist Harm is not an organization or a coalition. It has no employees, offices, or overhead. However, it does incur expenses for web infrastructure, promotion, printing, and organizing. We are a movement of volunteers and 100% funded by people and churches like you. Anything you give helps to make this movement more effective. To give, donate at Reconciling Ministries Network’s website and designate “Resist Harm.” 100% of your gift will pay for Resist Harm’s direct costs. RMN has graciously agreed to administer the funds donated for the Resistance movement for no charge.
Is your organization or group working to resist the Traditional Plan? We welcome engagement by all opposed to the Traditional Plan and who seek to resist evil and injustice in all forms. Please complete the following form, and we will add your organization to our growing list of partners.