With those who have another year for preparing to serve as delegates to General Conference, that they may have patience in this time of waiting;
With those who live in places where it is unsafe to claim the name of Christ;
With those struggling to live Jesus’ way in places where money, power, greed, and status rule the day;
With those who feel unworthy or unprepared to serve as Christ’s witnesses in the world;
With those who feel called to ordained ministry but are forbidden because of who they are or whom they love.
Prayers of Witness
God of hope and courage, you call each of us to bear witness to your abundant love in a frightened world. All around us are signs the world is struggling and the future is unclear. Strengthen our confidence in your unfailing grace and grant us the courage to move onward even when we cannot see the way, knowing that you will guide our every step. Amen.
Empowering God, you called your disciples to share the good news of your love to the ends of the earth. They were a motley crew, many from the margins of the society of their day. Sometimes I feel on the margins of life, and I wonder if you can use me. Remind me that power comes from you and you alone. Give me a courageous and willing spirit so that I may boldly go wherever and to whomever you send me. Amen.
God, our witness is only as good as the love it conveys. Millions of United Methodists have been waiting to see how the General Conference will manifest your love. Untold numbers of others have been watching to see if what happens looks like Christ. Now their hope is delayed and their wait seems endless. In this interim time, may we live and speak in such a way that all will know we are Christians by our love, Amen.
Holy God, you have taught us to live in the “in-between” and the “not yet” and we thought we knew how to do that. But the changes around us are happening so quickly, and there is so much confusion in our world that we feel like we have hardly learned at all. We want to go back to “normal.” Help us to learn anew what it is to live in a world that is “on hold.” Help us find small ways to witness to your unfailing love in the midst of our uncertainty. Amen.
Holy God, you said to us, “Look, I make all things new.” Grant us, we pray you, the vision to see you at work in our world healing our brokenness and making us new. Grant us the wisdom to hear your voice through the noise that surrounds us. And grant us the courage to bring to fruition the world you are creating. Amen.