Worship celebration designed to affirm and celebrate all we've done and will continue to do in the hard work of inclusion here in North Alabama. We're also hoping this gathering will energize folks who are feeling isolated and alone because of their restrictive contexts.
The service is at 3:00pm at Avondale UMC (500-40th Street South, Birmingham, 35222). Afterward, we will have light refreshments so folks can connect with one another and stay in touch. Please invite your friends and neighbors and encourage them to attend.
A few things to note:
Childcare ... Children are always welcome in worship ... but if you want/need childcare, we'll have nursery for children ages 4 and under. Email me if you'll be using childcare so I can plan accordingly.
Lay Delegates ... If you're a lay delegate to Annual Conference, please plan to meet briefly after worship with other lay delegates to organize yourselves.
Updates ... check out our Facebook event (click here) for updates throughout the week leading up to our gathering. Please share it with your friends and invite them to join us.
Sacred Items ... if you're coming with a group, please bring a special item that will be blessed during the service for you to take home as a reminder of our shared efforts.