Three Prayers of Lament
These three prayers of lament may be used in the same service or separately.
We have no way to count the tears of LGBTQ people whose humanity has been denied by our denomination. The tears of LGBTQ persons whose belonging has been conditioned on their remaining in the closet and hiding who God created them to be. Nor can we report all the hours spent comforting parents lamenting that their LGBTQ children and youth no longer feel wanted or safe in the church of their baptism. There are tears still to shed for stories yet untold.
In the Lenten text, the disciple Peter weeps after he denied Jesus three times. Peter mourns that he allowed his fear of Herod’s anger to overwhelm his hope in Jesus’ love.
Peter faced a choice that all United Methodist clergy face today: shall we obey our fear of authority or the way of Jesus Christ?
Many of our clergy have come forward on the side of love, in the way of Jesus. Many more are finding their way by attuning ears and hearts to the laments of all God’s beloved children in pain. In this month of lament, may God open our eyes and ears of so that justice and mercy for all people will be done.
These three prayers of lament may be used in the same service or separately.
This prayer is shared by permission of M Barclay, Co-Founder and Executive Director of enfleshed, a nonprofit creating and facilitating resources of spiritual nourishment for collective liberation. Visit for additional resources.
These hymns may be used as appropriate in worship; some of the rounds could be sung at protests. Congregations are welcome to modify lyrics to enhance inclusion as desired.
These liturgical greetings are to be used at the beginning of a worship service and can be led by a liturgist or a clergyperson. Each greeting contexts the service with inclusive words of hospitality.
Three similar worship services will be happening in Oklahoma the evening of January 5 as a way to bring our community together and make a statement that the harm inflicted by the Traditional Plan is not acceptable. Through this worship service we will lament, resist, act and hold tightly to hope.
This prayer was shaped from words and ideas that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. shared in his sermon "Loving Your Enemies" and elsewhere. It was edited together for use during a meeting of our Resist Harm leadership team, and can be used in small groups or congregations of all sizes.
This responsive prayer of confession was designed for the Opening Worship of the Cal-Pac Annual Conference in 2019. It is adapted from the prayer of confession found in the General Services in the United Methodist Hymnal.
Foundry UMC in Washington, DC is collecting prayer flags, and will carry them to GC2020 so the prayers can adorn the Conference session. They invite you to participate, making your prayer flag creation a part of the worship life of your community.
Use all of these resources or just one for a time of silent prayer or corporate worship. A service of Ashes is also included.
Use as a personal instrument, as a tool for worship planning, or as a handout for leading a group in using and writing a Psalm
This could be used by any congregation who has multiple clergy or it could be done by lay people using colorful bands of cloth.
Use as a tool as you seek a way to process lament collectively or individually
This Blessing is a part of the library of free liturgical resources available on
Ruth Duck is a retired UCC pastor and liturgical theologian, whose work has expanded our descriptions of God with fresh, gender-inclusive language.
This Prayer is a part of the library of free liturgical resources available on
San Diego First UMC is a Reconciling Congregation in San Diego, California.
Claremont UMC is a Reconciling Congregation. This prayer installation is available outdoors, in front of the church, and also online.
On Ash Wednesday, we are called to repent of the wrongs we have done, and to seek God's mercy and call to love all. This year Ash Wednesday is on 2/26/2020, which is the one-year anniversary of the passage of the traditional plan. We take this opportunity to repent of harm we have caused, intended and unintended, as individuals and as a Church. United Methodists throughout the Great Plains will gather at sites in each district between 8am and 5pm to offer prayer, song and contemplation as we continue to #ResistHarm. A new person will lead prayers each hour. Saint Paul Benson is hosting the Missouri River District location. Please enter on the Southwest side of the building; we will be located in the Roth Chapel.
Resist Harm is not an organization or a coalition. It has no employees, offices, or overhead. However, it does incur expenses for web infrastructure, promotion, printing, and organizing. We are a movement of volunteers and 100% funded by people and churches like you. Anything you give helps to make this movement more effective. To give, donate at Reconciling Ministries Network’s website and designate “Resist Harm.” 100% of your gift will pay for Resist Harm’s direct costs. RMN has graciously agreed to administer the funds donated for the Resistance movement for no charge.
Is your organization or group working to resist the Traditional Plan? We welcome engagement by all opposed to the Traditional Plan and who seek to resist evil and injustice in all forms. Please complete the following form, and we will add your organization to our growing list of partners.