New inclusive words for a traditional hymn. Hollywood UMC found these words and used them in worship, to great response.
Here are some new lyrics to the traditional Carol:
- God rest ye merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay!
Remember Christ will bring love’s light the dawn of Christmas day,
To lead us all from woe and sin when we have gone astray.
O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O tidings of comfort and joy.
- God rest you also, women, who by men have been erased,
Through history ignored and scorned, defiled and displaced;
Remember that your stories too, are held within God’s grace.
- God rest you, queer and questioning, your anxious hearts be still,
Believe that you are deeply known and part of God’s good will
For all to live as one in peace; the global dream fulfilled.
- God rest your mind, O humankind, let strife and conflict cease.
Remember love is active here, and only to increase,
To carry us to well-springs of God’s joyous hope and peace.