Song Suggestions
These suggestions are of songs and song books that give voice to our January theme: Resist.
We invite you to incorporate the work of resisting harm into the worship life of your church or group. These worksheets are for use by individuals or groups, as a starting point for finding ways to incorporate #ResistHarm into regular Sunday worship, small group meetings, or vigils and special services; they include starting points, lectionary tools and more.
These suggestions are of songs and song books that give voice to our January theme: Resist.
These liturgical greetings are to be used at the beginning of a worship service and can be led by a liturgist or a clergyperson. Each greeting contexts the service with inclusive words of hospitality.
A group of six Omaha-area Reconciling (or actively discerning) churches have joined together to promote a shared sermon series in January 2020. We will all share advertising/promoting, based on our United Methodist baptismal covenant.
This idea comes from Los Altos UMC in Long Beach, California, USA.
This prayer was designed for use in a post-Christian context, with updated, accessible language. You can read more behind the author's intent on his blog,
This Blessing is a part of the library of free liturgical resources available on
These hymns may be used as appropriate in worship; some of the rounds could be sung at protests. Congregations are welcome to modify lyrics to enhance inclusion as desired.
New inclusive words for a traditional hymn. Hollywood UMC found these words and used them in worship, to great response.
This liturgy was originally written for use at the 2019 National Capital Pride Coalition witness at the Washington, D.C. Pride Parade. Participants were queer-identified clergy from across the Baltimore-Washington Conference, alongside Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling.
First UMC in Austin, TX uses this blessing during Sunday worship to as a way of praying for all couples. It's designed for use with same-sex couples as well as opposite-sex couples.
Reaffirming our baptismal commitments to resisting evil, injustice and oppression is a powerful way to ground our call to resist harm sacramentally; we think it would be especially powerful at the start of the new year.
This prayer is shared by permission of M Barclay, Co-Founder and Executive Director of enfleshed, a nonprofit creating and facilitating resources of spiritual nourishment for collective liberation. Visit for additional resources.
This song was written for St. Stephen's Norman, a Reconciling congregation, as a Benediction song.
These three prayers of lament may be used in the same service or separately.
This Call to Worship prayer was shared by the Reconciling Ministries Network as part of the #NoSuchLaw guide, designed for use in local churches in anticipation of a Judicial Council ruling regarding several issues of consequence to LGBTQ+ clergy, including the election of Bishop Karen Oliveto.
Affirmed at a Western Jurisdiction Summit in November 2020, this theological declaration uses rich biblical and liturgical language, and can be adapted for use in local settings. Read the declaration here.
The Hymn Society has edited and shares this free volume of hymns affirming the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Visit their site to download.
With a commitment to spiritual and theological depth and the centering of marginalized experiences, conversations, and communities, enfleshed seeks to provide liturgy, devotionals, curriculum, preaching, training, and pastoral care that addresses honestly, tenderly, and directly, the beauty and pain of living enfleshed lives.
We are grateful to everyone who is willing to create or share original worship resources for use by congregations, small groups and other gatherings of United Methodists in the ResistHarm movement.
Worship resources submitted here will be collected and curated by a team of leaders from across the US. By submitting them here, you are indicating that you have and give permission to share them as a free, public web resource, for free use in worship gatherings.
Resist Harm is not an organization or a coalition. It has no employees, offices, or overhead. However, it does incur expenses for web infrastructure, promotion, printing, and organizing. We are a movement of volunteers and 100% funded by people and churches like you. Anything you give helps to make this movement more effective. To give, donate at Reconciling Ministries Network’s website and designate “Resist Harm.” 100% of your gift will pay for Resist Harm’s direct costs. RMN has graciously agreed to administer the funds donated for the Resistance movement for no charge.
Is your organization or group working to resist the Traditional Plan? We welcome engagement by all opposed to the Traditional Plan and who seek to resist evil and injustice in all forms. Please complete the following form, and we will add your organization to our growing list of partners.